Message Of Greetings For The Success Of The French Workers Day Of Action



Message of greetings for the success of the French workers day of action


In the name of the Portuguese workers, represented by the CGTP-IN, we would like to warmly congratulate the French trade union organisations for the great success achieved in the massive strikes and actions on 29 January involving millions of workers in struggle and with the participation of around 2.5 million workers in large demonstrations, in 195 cities of all France.

We convey our firm solidarity with the just demands of your unitary trade union platform  in a moment in which we are also preparing actions  that also intend to protect workers jobs and rights, in a context of economic and financial crisis in which those that ate responsible for it try to increase exploitation, with workers as their main victims.

Ours and your struggle will continue!

Fraternal greetings of solidarity.

CGTP-IN Executive Committee”